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FatChix, Inc.


Holy crap on a stick, guys.

The FatChix Team has gone live with our new endeavor, FATCHIX, INC.

What the heck is FatChix, Inc.? Well, let me be the first to introduce you to a revolution in the making.

FatChix Films was, of course, our baby. It is still our baby company and we are so excited to have made the incredible connections we now have from our six years operating our film business. Because that business has served us so well, we've been blessed with the opportunity to expand both our own network, our company ambitions, and our outreach and influence on our audiences.

We've been so blessed, in fact, that we've now been able to hire staff, contractors, freelancers, and a whole slew of additional artists to bring our latest vision to life.

FatChix, Inc. is a creative agency. That means that while it is slightly ambiguous in nature, it is a home for creatives, for dreamers, and for go getters alike. It is a ship that carries many passengers. It is an educational and non-profit outreach program, platform, and contributor. It is a consulting business, a distribution channel, a source of inspiration, and a media conglomerate.

Simply put: it's fat as f*ck.

And we could not be more proud or more humble by its launching.

You guys made this happen. You got us here. We will never forget how we landed at this place or the sacrifices that made this happen. We are beyond honored to welcome you home.

Fat Love,


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